Morning Moments
Morning Moments is our second year working with Nicolas and we are happy to say that the coffee found its fans. Enjoy every cup all day every day.

€12.30 /kg
Morning Moments is our second year working with Nicolas and we are happy to say that the coffee found its fans. Enjoy every cup all day every day.
€12.30 /kg
LOCATION: San Martin, Jilotepeque
ALTITUDE (MASL): 1600 - 1900 m.a.s.l
VARIETIES: Bourbon (Yellow and Red) Geisha, Pacamara Maragogipe Catuai
PROCCESING METHOD: Natural, washed, honey
Finca Catalan de Las Mercedes, a family-owned coffee farm in Guatemala’s Chimaltenango region since 1851, is dedicated to both coffee cultivation and sustainability. They process coffee at their own wet mill,
Beneficio Catalan, built in 2013. The Hammonds aim to enhance agricultural techniques for high-quality coffee while preserving the environment, earning Cup of Excellence awards and numerous certifications benefiting local communities.
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