Mate Matiwos
Mate Matiwos
Mate Matiwos




Sidama, Keramo Kebele

Altitude (masl)

2300 m.a.s.l.


74158, wollega

Mate Matiwos was born in Keramo into a family involved in the coffee trade.

Initially, he earned his livelihood by trading various local goods. Once that venture proved successful, he transitioned into coffee farming, leasing land in both Keramo and Danche.

Alongside managing his coffee farm, Mate also raised six children — three sons and three daughters. His oldest son is currently attending university, the second eldest assists with farm work, and the youngest is a teacher. Mate is also deeply engaged in his community, serving as the local preacher and church leader.

Mate’s anaerobic is fermented in a sealed environment for 72 hours and then dried on African beds.

His coffee was one of our favorites in this year’s selection and we were thrilled after we learned he became 2nd during the 2024 Ethiopian Cup of Excellence!

We visited Sidama during our 2024 Ethiopian sourcing trip and were treated to traditionally roasted and brewed coffee from a fresh harvest.

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