The story of NIKITO begins in the village of Socorro which is situated in the coffee heart of the Acatenango region where 90% of population depends and relies on coffee.
Socorro is a 3000 population village where the public school system faces a lot of challenges.
Facing and overcoming challenges
The situation got worse during the pandemia as schools were closed and the online classes were not an option as internet in this area is not available therefore the last three years education in the region pretty much stopped.
This is the first year since 2020 when kids are back to school and the most devastating fact is that a lot of them didn’t, as they started working in local farms, earning money and they’re not interested in going back to school and exploring their further opportunities.
NIKITO is one of five siblings and he is the first one in his family to create an opportunity to continue education.
NIKITO’s father manages a local coffee farm and his mother owns a little grocery shop. Both of his parents didn’t graduate from primary school so they’re extremely proud and grateful that their son is able to achieve more in his life.
In January thanks to a roastery Rost’ generosity and support and NIKITO’s motivation he was able to start a two year cookery and hospitality program. He’s extremely excited and enthusiastic to make his every Sunday trip to school and learn new skills. During the week NIKITO is working at La Soledad coffee farm which helps him to support his family and cover some extra school costs.
Creating opportunities
On Saturdays he is learning all about composting and is managing a green house at EL LLANO Farm and at the end of his each shift he spends 45 minutes with Jola and Raul (both live at the EL LLANO FARM) to help him with his homework for English classes.
We are all very excited and grateful to be able to create the opportunity for NIKITO and we are looking forward to observe his future and support him to acomplish what for some seems impossible.
Thank you Rost for trusting and supporting our social project. You are creating a big impact in the lives of NIKITO and his family.