Last time we talked about having a fixed charge temperature. Let’s elaborate a bit more on that. Many roasters are afraid of faults like tipping or scorching and they link it with charge temperatures being too high and that makes sense!
When your charge temp is indeed very high in the context of your roasting environment, not only these faults may appear, but also your roast we’ll probably be very fast, with less control. But they may appear also when your charge temp is too low and you now have to “chase”, by applying heaps of gas for an extended period of time. We’re talking about typical drum roasters here mostly. Pick an optimal charge temperature for all your coffees with the same batch sizes.
The one that allows you to use optimal gas settings at the beginning of the roast and change gas patterns in order to profile: faster, slower, longer, shorter. It’ll make your in between protocol way more easy to handle, hence your roasts super consistent!
Our Roasting Tips are brought to you by Piotr Jeżewski (88 Graines Q Grader & Sourcing Director)