The story of NIKITO begins in the village of Socorro which is situated in the coffee heart of the Acatenango region where 90% of population depends and relies ...
Guatemala is a country divided into 8 coffee regions, all with distinct microclimates, types of soil, sunlight and different altitudes. Majority of ...
There is nothing better than to start your day with a fresh cup of coffee. No matter where you are and how you prepare it or who prepares it for you or who you ...
Coffee for Jola Czerminska and Agata Pudelek, co-founders of 88 Graines, became an element of focus and appreciation. It reconnected them as well as connected ...
Living and working in coffee origin countries allows to understand the coffee world on a whole different level. It is not very common to choose this path in a ...
88 Graines idea is grounded on establishing a collaborative coffee sourcing model between coffee producers and roasters.